There are 4 billion ways to be a man.
What does it mean to ‘be a man’ in this world?
It has become clear that the current ideals and role models available to men are too narrow and outdated to express how men really see themselves, or what they feel they have to offer the world. This has left many men disconnected from themselves and others, lacking direction and feeling that there is more to life than what is currently on offer. More than ever, men are looking for ways to find positive roles for themselves and step forward authentically into the world.
Leader Brother Son helps men explore and reimagine what it means to be a man. We create spaces where men can have authentic, courageous conversations that explore and challenge the traditional notions of masculinity. This process is not a passive one. It demands the mastery of skills such as compassion, vulnerability, active listening and radical honesty.
By applying these skills in a group, men are able to express themselves authentically, even around difficult, taboo or sensitive topics without fear of judgement. Conversations become more meaningful and men feel connected and understood.
Engaging in this work takes strength, courage and commitment, but the payoff is tremendous. Through this work, we discover and become the men we are called to be. We become the authors of our own lives.
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"A chance to reconnect to men in a way that felt natural, authentic and free from bullshit!"

"The chance to speak freely and honestly about things I’ve never really had an opportunity to talk about"

Jindy Mann